Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Live From New York It's...

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Not surprisingly, it's not Jon Bon Jovi & Derek Jeter per Entertainment2U's suggestions!

Instead it's... (drumroll please)

December 12 - Taylor Lautner/Bon Jovi
Decmber 19- James Franco/Muse

Not getting off that teeny-bopper wagon, no Sir! Yes, New Moon's Jacob Black or Taylor Lautner as he's known in real life (bleurgh real life, yay New Moon!) will host December 12. Why? I'm guessing 'cause Robert Pattinson refused.

December 19 will see James Franco host for the second time in as many seasons. He must have made a hell of an impression on them if he's been invited back so soon, don't forget he appeared on What's Up With That? already this season. Did anyone think he was THAT good a host last time around? I mean, I love me a bit of James Franco, and he's a terrific actor, but I didn't think he was so phenomenal that he should merit being invited back so soon.

Pretty excited for Muse though, should be an interesting Christmas show!

What do you think? Excited for these shows? Think Lorne & co. could have selected better hosts? Comment, comment, comment!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So, we have a new five-timer after Dave Matthews: Jon Bon Jovi, the list is getting crowded.